We are a provider of executive coach training and certification.

We are a leading provider of leadership, executive and business coach training. We are led by a highly experienced and credentialed coach, Michael Neuendorff.

  • Certified as an executive coach by the Center for Executive Coaching (CEC) in 2014.
  • Certified as a Master Certified Coach Trainer in 2015 by the CEC, which paved the way for him to join the faculty of the CEC in 2019.
  • Credentialed by the ICF as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) in 2016 (renewed for 3 years in 2019).
  • Working towards attaining the Master Certified Coach (MCC) credential.

Since joining the faculty of the CEC, Michael has led multiple in-person coach training intensives (will return post-pandemic) in Burlingame, CA and conducted more than 160 training webinars. In lieu of the in-person intensive program, we are now offering the 3-day virtual seminar.

Michael has received rave reviews for his work as a faculty instructor as you can see from the testimonials he’s received. Aspiring coaches are loving Michael’s methods and approach to coach training.

Apart from his work with the CEC, Michael is in-demand as an executive coach and trainer within medium and large businesses throughout the country. He’s also a highly experienced business coach. Michael complements his results-oriented coaching and training with leading-edge assessments and surveys.

A profile photo of Michael Neuendorff

Honors and Achievements:

Received the Coach of the Year award from The Growth Coach firm in 2014.

Accepted into the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center’s Milestone Makers program as a Milestone Coach in 2019.

Chosen as the #1 executive coach in San Francisco by Influence Digest in 2020.

We are thoroughly committed to being the Bay Area’s leading executive coach training and certification program. We believe our commitment to providing you with comprehensive real-world coach training plus a truly impressive global network of alumni and indefinite support will convince you to train with us.

A graphic that says "Get enrolled & start now! Become a Certified Executive Coach"

Photo copyright: Featured photo on header is from ©cottonbro studio via Pexels. Background photo on bottom graphic is from ©Kehn Hermano via Pexels.