Reason #1: I offer multiple services, not just coaching.
I offer training and assessments in addition to coaching. Those are my three main services. I believe that by offering more than one line of service, you’re able to grow your business faster and more assuredly. For example, I’ve had work come in from companies that initially only bought assessments from me. But that led to training and eventually coaching. I’ve had companies that started with coaching and then purchased training, which may have included assessments. I’ve had other clients that started with training that led to coaching and the use of assessments. (I’ve even had companies that have purchased all three along with some additional consulting as well, so be open-minded as to what you offer.)
You can see how any one of my three service lines can open the door to the other two. If you’re not comfortable offering broad-based training, then consider what would you be comfortable offering. That could be training in perhaps a very narrow topic or field. I offer training on team development, sales, public speaking, listening, and a variety of other topics, but I’ve built up this portfolio over the years. I didn’t come out of the gate offering all these different training programs, but I kept adding-on. I now have a nice suite of training options that companies seem to be attracted to.
In terms of assessments, I feel that they’re not only a great complement to coaching, but they’re also a great way to set yourself up to do more. For example, a company invests in an assessment and then wants you to build a training program around that assessment.
Reason #2: I actively build alliances and partnerships.
I love building partnerships and I’m good at partnering with other people and creating long lasting relationships. That’s absolutely been a factor in my success over the years. Early on, I would say in 2009-2010, shortly after I got started, I connected with a coach out of Texas who said that he started an alliance with some other people in related businesses. He was the only coach in the alliance, but he partnered with other people who might serve the same business clients in other ways. Because of their alliance, they were able to create synergies between them and refer to each other.
I’ve followed that model and never stopped. I continued to partner and align with other professionals and businesses since that time. In fact, I created a new partnership just a few months ago, and I’m still very excited about the idea of aligning with other organizations or partnering with other people, either to do work together or refer business to each other.
While I initially found partners through active networking, I now find partners through introductions from others in my network, or through various directories where I am listed.
Reason #3: I’ve hired my own team.
Many years ago, I was sold on the idea that I shouldn’t do everything at once and wear all the hats in the business; that I should try to get other people to do things I wasn’t as fluent at or were not the best use of my time. I decided, rather than hire a cadre of freelancers over and over again, that I would have my own core of team members on staff. Currently, I have three employees who manage administrative tasks, update the website, create and edit videos, design logos, and perform other tasks.
I even assign them to work directly with certain clients to generate additional revenue. (I like to have employees pay for themselves if possible.) Having staff members to perform functions in their areas of expertise allows me to focus my efforts on those areas where I can bill at higher amounts to maximize my company’s earnings.
I hope these three ideas will help you achieve the sort of success that I’ve been blessed with since I rolled up my sleeves and launched my own coaching business over a decade ago. If you have questions about any of these three areas I’ve shared with you, send me a message via my Contact Form. If you’d like to learn more about my coach training and certification programs, browse the rest of the site.
Read PART 2 to learn more about why my coaching business is successful!
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- Positive moment: a key to achieving greater success in executive coaching
- How to get sponsored coaching clients
- Demonstrating the ROI of Executive Coaching to Clients and Prospects
YouTube Videos
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